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​Herstory of the Scholarship

The Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority Scholarship Fund primarily aims to provide an educational support network for women on college campuses. The organization’s foundation and mission center around scholarship, community service, sisterhood and culture. The scholarship will be awarded to women who exemplify the qualities of future leaders who not only strive for academic excellence, but are also actively engaged in their communities, both on and off campus. Any female high school student may apply for this scholarship.  


Scholarship Requirements

• Must be female

• Active in the community

• Senior high school student beginning first year of college in FALL 2013

• Attending a 4-year institution in Colorado

• Minimum high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)

Note: If your GPA is lower, you may apply so long as a supplementary explanation is provided on a separate page.


Application Checklist

After completing the application, please refer back to this check list to ensure you have the proper documentation to submit the application. Failure to submit all required items will DISQUALIFY an applicant from scholarship consideration. Please enclose the following items:
• Completed application form
• Typed answers to essay questions
• Letter(s) of recommendation
• Official high school transcript
• Any other supplemental documents (i.e. GPA explanation if lower than 3.0)

Application must be mailed and postmarked by March 15, 2014
Scholarship Amount: $500


Mail to:

Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority Scholarship Fund
PO BOX 40726
Denver, CO 80204

Pi Lambda Chi Scholarship

***The scholarship application for the 2014-2015 academic year is now closed.***

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